About Us

The foundation of Healing Streams International

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Dr. Steve is credentialled with Christian Ministers Association (CMA), a chartered Christian Denomination in Canada. The core of the CMA culture and structure is the belief and support of autonomous churches and ministries. CMA carries a heartbeat that encourages and supports its members to help raise the sails of the work they do rather than hoisting a denominational flag. This means that we as a member with the CMA, the work we do is not a CMA branded work but rather a Kingdom work in relationship with the CMA. While Steve carries his credentials through this association, Healing Streams International has the freedom to walk alongside many other Canadian Ministries that are networking either under the same banner called, Christian Ministers Association, or others as the Father leads. As members we are grateful to be aligned with many like-minded leaders and ministries throughout the nation of Canada.

About CMA

With everything we say and do here at CMA, nothing is more important than for you to hear the sound of our heart in why we do what we do. Our earthly fathers, men of great faith and heritage, encountered an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a way that forever changed their lives and ministries. The desire to walk in what God was doing among them, created many challenges. Many denominations they were part of did not embrace the current outpouring of the Spirit the same way they had. This led our fathers to make a difficult choice to embark on a journey into the unknown future. Their heart was to walk in a unity without division, so they began to meet together as like minded ministers for mutual encouragement.

Some of CMA’s Core Values are:

  • Posture is more important than position.
  • Presence is more important than papers.
  • Leaders are more important than laws.
  • Hoisting your sail is more important than hoisting our flag.

In everything that we do together in serving the Body of Christ, we are intentional about serving and supporting the values that put Christ at the Centre in all relationships.

To learn more about what these values mean or who CMA is, go to: canadacma.org

Healing Streams International affirms these values and supports these statements as well as the essential doctrines that are laid out in the CMA statement of faith.

Join With Us in Partnership

We invite you to pray and ask God if you are called in any way to partner with Healing Streams International.

As God raises up individuals who are called to partner through prayer or finance, we increase in the work that we are able to do in serving the Body of Christ.

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