About Us

Leadership at Healing Streams International

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Our Lead Overseer

Dr. Steve McEvoy began his journey pastoring a traditional local church in the region of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Initially, this journey began very well. However, in a short period of time, Steve found himself in a state of personal crisis. Some reasons for this crisis were rooted in personal need that thrust him on a healing journey. Some reasons were caused by the new mindsets that God was trying to establish that neither Steve nor the church could comprehend. This second reason became a lengthy road of personal reformation.

By the time he was released from this position in Toronto, a lot of confusion existed.

In January 1999, after a dramatically confirmed directive by the Lord, Steve, with his wife April and two young children, gave away their possessions and headed to Eastern Canada. While walking out this process of transition, God made it abundantly clear that the Truro, Nova Scotia region was to become their new home. During the first two years of this relocation, another sudden word came from the Lord. It was, “You are out of order”. While the travelling ministry was succeeding, there was a missed intention of the Lord. God made it abundantly clear that there must be a home base, and a local place where a vision that required many participants must arise. From there, the success of the ministry on the road would take place and be in a newfound order and alignment.

Immediately after this word was yielded to by Steve and April, a door opened to join a struggling leadership team in a small community church. Initially this new position went well. However, challenges arose similar to the Toronto church experience.

A major challenge existed because of the gift mix existing in Steve’s life. Jesus in Steve is apostolic in nature and a teacher of the Word of God. From a traditional perspective, these gifts are not seen to give leadership or provide oversight in the local setting. It took years to work this out and land in a place of personal and corporate rest. Through it all, God was working to reform the mindsets that the church has had concerning leadership and the gifts necessary for it to succeed.

God gave a simple vision and it is now arising. That vision is, “To raise up an apostolic centre that is a disciple making resource for the region, nation and nations of the world.”

While Steve’s strongest strengths are apostolic/teacher in nature, he is passionate about seeing a community of believers arise in its midst. We welcome you to join Healing Streams International and the emerging team of leaders and family members who have a heart to see God transform the region, the nation and nations of the world. We welcome you to become part of this family and use your gifts to help an amazing community of believers arise.

Steve is the Lead Overseer of Healing Streams International.